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I dont care. Call them now. Consider it an order, Agent Savard.
Savard stared at Blair for a long moment, then punched two numbers on her handy talky. Status?
Blair couldnt hear a response, but only a few seconds passed before Ren�e said, Were secure, and slipped the radio
back into an inside pocket of her jacket. At the sight of her hand trembling, Blairs stomach clenched into a painful
Report? Blair asked.
All present and accounted for.
Whatwhat does that mean?
It means no one was left at the scene. Stark and the commander are in the Suburban behind us.
Are they
I dont know, Ren�e said.
The tight fist around Blairs heart loosened enough for her to breathe without each movement feeling like a knife
stabbing through her. Diane, are you all right?
Mutely, Diane nodded.
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Blair concentrated on burying her panic. Cam was in the car behind her. That was all that mattered. Where are we
If Paula
Ren�e shuddered and for just a second, Blair thought she was going to break down. Then she squared her shoulders
and continued.
Paula will let Mac know the exit route, and hell communicate with our driver.
Blair looked out the window and saw that they were heading out of the city. The last thing she wanted was to end up
in another safe house, but she realized that was one decision she couldnt impact. She closed her eyes and willed her
mind to go blank. It didnt work, but it kept her from trying to break down the barrier between herself and whoever was
driving and demanding to know where they were going. Just when she thought she couldnt stand it anymore, she felt
the limo slow down. She jerked upright and saw a sign for Interstate 495 South flash by as the vehicle turned into a
deserted truck weighing station by the side of the highway. Whats happening?
Ren�e shook her head. I dont know.
Blair reached for the handle, but Ren�e stopped her. She was about to protest when the door opened and Cam slid in.
The limo immediately accelerated back onto the highway.
Are you all right? Cam slid her arm around Blairs shoulders and pulled her close.
Am I? Blair laughed shakily and pressed her palm to Cams chest. I was afraid She lost the words and just kissed
Cam instead. Are you?
Other than a few sore ribs from ending up under one of Tanners security guards, Im fine. Cam stroked Blairs hair and
looked at Diane and Ren�e. You both okay?
Yes, Ren�e reported, sitting tensely on the edge of the seat.
Stark took a round in the chest, Cam said. Her vest stopped it. Shes in pain, but shes still in charge. Shell be okay.
Ren�e blinked and looked away. Thank you.
Was anyone else hurt? Blair asked.
Another one of Tanners people took a shot to the vest in the process of shielding Emory Constantine.
Emory! Blair said, momentarily stunned. My God, is she hurt?
She sprained her wrist, but shes tough and taking everything in stride. Cam glanced at Savard. We brought Emory
with us. Shes in the Suburban.
Smart call, Savard said. What about the assailant?
Hes dead. Stark left Wozinski behind temporarily to coordinate with the FBI and police. Cam coughed and winced.
Are you sure youre not hurt? Blair said immediately.
Cam shook her head. Sore ribs. I got a quick look at the guy. Hes one of the four on Emory Constantines watch list.
You meanEmory was the target? Blair exclaimed.
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Were not sure, but its possible. Cam shifted, obviously trying to get comfortable. For now, were not making any
How much of this can we keep out of the press? Blair asked.
Starks already been on the line to Lucinda, whos spinning some story right now about Emory suddenly being taken
ill to cover her leaving the banquet. Fortunately, the scene was contained immediately so we may be able to keep the
real details out of the press.
Good, Blair breathed. The last thing I want is another story circulating about me being a target. She took Cams
hand. Youre sure youre okay?
Yes. Now she was, now that shed seen Blair. Now that some of the helpless fury at not being able to reach her when
shed been in danger was dissipating. Despite the pain in her ribs, she held Blair more tightly.
What? Blair murmured, sliding her hand to the back of Cams neck. Darling?
Nothing, Cam whispered. The instant shed seen the assailant, shed tried to shield Blair, but Tanners man had
grabbed her from behind and thrown her down. If Stark hadnt been there, hadnt moved without the slightest
hesitation, Blair could be dead. Cam closed her eyes, as if that could obliterate the image in her mind, and buried her
face in Blairs hair.
Blair moved her mouth close to Cams ear. Im all right. Im right here.
Cam took a long breath, straightened, and directed her next comments to Savard again. Theres been no evidence of
pursuit, and this has the feel of a lone gunman.
I agree, Savard said. Her color was better and her eyes focused and intent. Beside her, Diane looked exhausted, but
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