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Woody Hollow is situated. After the Winter War, The Root
came to be known as Sir Tuckerby's Warren and as Tuckerby's
(the) Rothro River: a river originating on the wold east of
Dawn-Gate and flowing south into the Quadrill.
(the) Round Chamber: one of the chambers in Kraggen-cor
along the Brega Path.
(the) Rovers of Kistan: reavers of the sea whose pirate holts
are in the wild southern coastal lands of Kistan. Ancient
enemies of Pellar.
Rucha (singular Ruch) (Sylva: foul-ones): Elven name for Rucks (q.v.).
Ruchen: a term meaning "of the Rucha." Ruck-doors: hidden doors, Ruck-made,
along the mountain slopes, opening into the caverns of the maggot-folk. Also
known as Ruck-gates, Rutch-doors, Spawn-doors, and Wrg-doors.
Rucken: a term meaning "of the Rucks," Ruck-fighter: a term generally taken to
mean any person of the Free Folk who has fought the maggot-folk. Ruck-gates.
See Ruck-doors. Ruckish: a term meaning Ruck-like. Rucks (singular: Ruck):
evil, goblin-like creatures from Neddra, four to five feet tall. Dark. Pointed
teeth. Bat-wing ears. Skinny-armed, bandylegged. Unskilled. Also known as
Rucha (Sylva), Rukha (OP), Rutcha (Valur), Okhs (Chakur). Ruckslayer: a term
used to describe any warrior who has slain several Rucks.
Rukha (singular: Rukh) (OP: filthy-ones): Pellarion name for Rucks (q.v.).
rune-jewel: a jewel inscribed with runes of power. Such a jewel was embedded
in the blade of the Elven long-knife Bane.
Rupt (Sylva: corpse-worms): the Elven name for the maggot-folk.
Rutcha (singular: Rutch) (Valur: goblins): a term used by the Men of Valon
meaning Rucks (q.v.). Rutch-doors (Valur: goblin-doors). See Ruck-doors. Rutch
en: a term meaning "of the Rutcha." Rutch-pace (Valur: goblin-pace): the
running lope of the maggot-folk. (the) Ryng. See (the) Chakkacyth Ryng.
(the) Scholars. See (the) Ravenbook Scholars. (the) Scroll. See (the) Brega
(the) Secret Seven: Cotton's name for the Squad of Kraggen-cor (q.v.).
Sentinel Falls: a waterfall of the Duskrill near the Dusk-Door. So named
because of the sentinel post above the falls. (the) Sentinel Stair: the carven
stair up the bluff of Sentinel Falls and to the top of the Sentinel Stand.
(the) Sentinel Stand: a guard post atop a tail spire near the
Dusk-Door where Dwarf sentries kept watch over Ragad
(the) Seven. See (the) Squad of Kraggen-cor.
(the) Seven Dells: the Boskydells (q.v.). Called the Seven
Dells because the Realm is divided into seven major districts,
each called a Dell: Northdell, Eastdeil, Southdell, Westdell,
Centerdell, Updell, Downdell.
(the) Seven Penetrators. See (the) Squad of Kraggen-cor.
Seventh Durek: the Dwarf King of Durek's Folk during the
Quest of Kraggen-cor. Renowned for wresting Kraggen-cor
from the maggot-folk and forging it into a mighty Realm as
of old. The seventh to be named Durek (q.v.).
Shadmvlight; the spectral light of the Dimmendark (q.v.).
(a) shadow-mission: a false mission or a mission of little or
no hope.
Shannon. See Vanidar.
Shannon Silverleaf. See Vanidar.
(the) Shelf. See (the) Broad Shelf.
shok (Chakur; axes): a Dwarven term meaning axes.
(the) Side Hall: one of the chambers in Kraggen-cor along
the Brega Path.
(the) Signal Mountains: a north-to-east-to-south arc of
weatherworn, sparse, widespread mountains. Mont Challerain
is the northernmost mountain, Beacontor the southernmost.
So named because signal fires upon their crests were used to
pass along news of import,
(the) silver armor. See silveron armor.
(The) Silver Call. See (The) Fairhill Journal.
(the) Silver Call: the sound of the Horn of Narok mentioned
in the Staves of Narok which caused the fulfillment of the
ancient prophecy.
(the) silver call: generally taken to mean the lure of a quest
or a venture, said to fetch with a silver call. Also can mean
the sound of the Horn of Valon.
silver coin. See silver penny.
(the) silver horn (of Valon). See (the) Horn of Valon.
Silverlarks, See Vani-lerihha.
Silverleaf. See Vanidar.
silveron: a rare and precious metal of Mithgar. Probably an
alloy. Also known as starsilver.
(the) silveron armor: the armor worn by Tuck during the Winter War and by
Perry during the Quest of Kraggen-cor. Originally made by the Dwarves of
Drimmen-deeve for Princelings of the Royal House of the High King, the armor
was given to Tuck by Laurelin to wear at her birthday feast. The armor was
ultimately placed on display at Tuckerby's Warren, where it was to remain in
possession of the Warrows until recalled by the shade of Aurion. Also known as
the silver armor, the silveron mail, the starsilver armor. (the) silveron [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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