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D.C. is preparing new editions of its Reference Guide 10/20/92, in RFE/RL 203 (10/21/92), 6.)
SED chief, using recently released files from the SED
#1: German-American Scholarship Guide for Histori- Reversing earlier policy, Polish Parliament votes
Parteiarchiv ( Jetzt Taucht eine Gefahr auf, Der
ans and Social Scientists (German Historical Institute to open records on collaborators with the Communist
Spiegel, 14/(1991), 48.)
1989) and Reference Guide #2: Guide to Inventories Party between 1945 and 1990. ( Polish Assembly
Ex-Soviet Ambassador to East Germany (1962-
and Finding Aids of German Archives at the German Votes to Release Files on Communist Collaborators,
71, 1975-83) recounts events. (Pjotr Abrassimov Wir
Historical Institute (German Historical Institute 1989). NYT, 5/29/92.)
wechselten zum Du, (We changed to You [informal
For information, contact: Ms. Mueller-Olrichs, 1607 Ex-Polish President Wojciech Jaruzelski discusses
greeting]), Der Spiegel, 8/17/1992, 20-22.)
New Hampshire Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C his reasons for declaring martial law in Poland in 1981;
At least 350 people died trying to flee East Ger-
20009. Phone: (202) 387-3355; fax: 202-483-3430. comparing the political situation in Poland at the time to
many nearly twice the previously documented num-
Update on the former East German archives: Budapest in 1956, Czechoslovakia in 1968, and Af-
ber says head of Berlin police unit investigating
Mitteilungen des Foerderkreises (Archive und ghanistan in 1979, he states that otherwise the Soviets
crimes by former East German leaders. (WP, 8/15/92.)
Bibliotheken zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung)1 would have marched in. ( Das war psychische Folter
Former Stasi chief Mielke discusses his relation-
(March 1992). Write Elran Dolatowski or Dr. Henryk [That was Mental Torture], Der Spiegel, 5/11/1992,
ship with Erich Honecker and the GDR s downfall
Skrzypcak, Wilhelm-Pieck-Strasse 1, 0-1054 Berlin. 181-94.)
( Ich sterbe in diesem Kasten, [I will die in this
(Telephone: 282343; fax: 2814186). Once secret East German Socialist Unity Party
Detention Center], Der Spiegel, 8/31/92, 38-53.)
Former GDR state film archive set up in 1955 files (SED) documents now prove that former East
Did the Stasi and the DDR, and not the SPD,
when the USSR returned the Third Reich s Film Ar- German leader Erich Honecker favored allowing the
buy the CDU delegate Julius Steiner to save Chancel-
chives to the GDR, has been taken over by the Federal East German Army to march into Poland along with
lor Brandt and the 1972 Ostvertrag? Gifte zweier
Archives in Koblenz ( East German Film Archive up other Warsaw Pact troops in December 1981 to crush
Seiten, Der Spiegel 11 (1991), 47.)
for Grabs, German Tribune, 7/3/92, 10.) Solidarity. Only the declaration of martial law pre-
Detailed analysis of Soviet-German relations from
vented this from occurring. ( Wir Bruederlaender
1979-89 (Jens Kaiser, Zwischen angestrebter
stehen fest [Brother countries must stand firm], Der
Eigenstaendigkeit und tradioneller Unterordnung: zur
Spiegel, 10/12/92, 95-99.)
Ambivalenz des Verhaeltnisses von sowjetischer und Soviet connection with Laslo Rajk affair of 1949
DDR-Aussenpolitik in den achtziger Jahren, DA 24 is analyzed. (B. Rodionov, How the Devilish Merry-
People s Republic of China
(May 1991), 478-95.) Go-Round Operated, Izvestia, 6/26/92, 6.)
Some recent publications on East German history Document located in Czech archives describes 24 CCP Research Newsletter 8 (Spring 1991) carries
and politics: Michael Richter, Die Ost-CDU 1948- October 1956 meeting of CPSU Presidium shortly two items of special interest to Cold War historians: 1)
1952. Zwischen Widerstand und Gleichschaltung [The before invasion of Hungary. (F. Lukyanov, Khrush- an introduction to China s Central Archives in Beijing;
and 2) a bibliography of recent Russian works on Brenner. (Problems of Communism, Spring 1992.) ber (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992); Mary S.
modern China. Subscriptions: Colorado College, 14 E. Declassified documents put crisis in new light, McAuliffe, ed., CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile
Cache La Poudre, Colorado Springs, CO 80903; $20/2 but obstacles to releases remain. (Peter Kornbluh and Crisis 1962 (Washington, D.C.: CIA History Staff,
yrs. (4 issues). Sheryl Walter History Held Hostage, WP Outlook, 1992); Bruce J. Allyn, James G. Blight, and David A.
Auburn University historian describes Beijing s 10/11/92.) Welch, eds., Back to the Brink: Proceedings of the
relations with Vietnamese Communists during the 1954 CIA holds public conference on missile crisis, Moscow Conference on the Cuban Missile Crisis, Janu-
Geneva Conference, including pressure on Ho Chi releases documents. (Walter Pincus, CIA Records ary 27-28, 1989 (University Press of America (Lanham,
Minh to accept the 17th parallel as the temporary north- Offer Behind-the-Scenes Look at Cuban Missile Cri- MD: University Press of America, 1992); James G.
south border. (Zhai Qiang, China and the Geneva sis, WP, 10/19/62; Eric Schmitt, Once More Unto the Blight, Bruce J. Allyn, and David A. Welch, with David
Conference of 1954, China Quarterly (March 1992).) Brink, NYT, 10/20/62.) Lewis, Cuba on the Brink: Fidel Castro, the Missile
Newly available cables and telegram from Chi- Review of recently released evidence concludes Crisis and the Collapse of Communism (New York:
nese leaders should modify historical explanations of that revised history of crisis is far less reassuring than Pantheon, 1993); Anatoly Gribkov, Im Dienst der
and theoretical conclusions drawn from Beijing s deci- the more familiar version. (Tom Morganthau, At the Sowjetunion: Erinnerungen eines Armeegenerals [In
sion to intervene in the Korean War in the fall of 1950; Brink of Disaster, Newsweek, 10/26/92, 36-39.) the Service of the Soviet Union: Memoirs of an Army
English translations of Mao s cables to Stalin and Zhou Soviet General Anatoly Gribkov, who commanded General] (Berlin, 1992).
Enlai reprinted. (Thomas J. Christensen, Threats, forces in Cuba during crisis, recounts deployment of
Assurances, and the Last Chances for Peace Interna- missiles, including plans to use tactical nuclear weap-
tional Security 17:1 (Summer 1992), 122-54; also see ons against invading U.S. forces. (Anatoly Gribkov,
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